Had To Let It Out (Part II)

This is a continuation from the previous post.
1.       So what if the use of the word “Allah” by Christians in their publication contradicts their own teachings/beliefs? Why should it bother any Muslim by the way?
a.       I do not condone this but surely by pure logic, Muslims should cherish this “error”, it is such an amazement to me that this matter is a great concern to those opposing the usage of the word.
b.      Really, so what if they’re wrong?
2.       Honestly, I don’t know how a fatwa actually works, but I don’t think that it applies to non-Muslims. Do correct me if I’m wrong.
3.       An insult to Islam?
a.       Yeah, the Malay Muslims sure know how to represent the global Muslim community.
b.      Personally I think it’s more of an “insult” to the Malays than the religion itself.
c.       In the news, no one ever interviewed the Chinese Muslims, or converts or the Muslims in East Malaysia, the outrage is all by the Malays.
d.      Well, I believe the reason for it is that they’re the only ones who are so upset.
e.     Sabah and Sarawak have used the word Allah in their Bibles for ages, I’ve read my grandmother’s Bible when I was 10, and I didn’t care much about it, I didn’t screw my faith.
f.        That goes the same for the Muslim community in Sabah and Sarawak, no one ever made a fuss out of it, it’s been more than 50 years the word have been used in the Bible.
g.      You can say that I’m guilty of accusing blindly or racist but I think it’s pretty obvious that the ones who are causing such furor are the Malays.
4.       Well, I wouldn’t know the reason why they won’t use “Tuhan” instead unless they announce it themselves. Like any other person, I can only speculate, I think they felt discriminated not being able to use the word. But hey, it’s only a speculation, don’t take my word for it.
                If the resolution of the whole issue was up to me, I would say I’ll only allow the use of word Allah in publications meant for East Malaysia and not in the Peninsular. Why? Well, look at the Muslim community in the Peninsular, they’re super sensitive to things like these, they get agitated easily, I think the peribahasa, “Bagai menarik rambut dari tepung” is less of a bother than the process of keeping them happy.
                There you have it, my two cents. Thank you for taking the time to read such a long post.

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3 Response to "Had To Let It Out (Part II)"

  1. renewsyahh says:
    February 25, 2010 at 10:40 AM

    Assalamualaikum... saya berasal dari kelantan.saya agak suka dengan penulisan anda walaupun penulisannya dalam bahasa inggeris (saya kurang mahir dalam bahasa inggeris)... boleh saya tahu, adakah awak ini merupakan anak sulung? terima kasih.

  2. renewsyahh says:
    February 25, 2010 at 10:49 AM

    salam. saya ada baca dah 2,3 bahan penulisan anda.saya suka kepada penulisan anda. dan saya rasa cara kita berfikir adalah sama.Insya Allah, saya akan baca lagi artikel lain. i wonder if we have same life story..hmm. do you have facebook? maaf kalau inggeris saya tunggang terbalik kerana saya kurang mahir. satu lagi, saya telah meletakkan alamat blog anda di facebook saya. harap anda tidak marah. terima kasih.

  3. Nico says:
    February 26, 2010 at 3:43 PM


    Pertama sekali saya ingin mengucapkan selamat datang dan terima kasih kerana mengambil masa untuk mengamati nukilan saya ini.

    Tidak mengapa kalau kurang mahir dalam Bahasa Inggeris, asalkan berani mencuba menggunakannya. Salah tidak mengapa, kerana dari kesalahan banyak yang boleh dipelajari.

    Saya rasa kebanyakan hasil penulisan saya bukanlah sesuatu yang... merangsangkan minda. Yang ada pun boleh dibilang sebelah tangan sahaja.

    Untuk pertanyaan anda:
    1) Ya, saya adalah anak sulung

    2) Mungkin kita melalui perkara yang sama dalam perjalanan hidup kita tetapi dalam bentuk yang berlainan

    3) Saya ada Facebook, tetapi ianya hanya untuk mereka yang saya kenali dan pernah bersemuka.

    4) Saya tidak perlu marah jika anda meletakkan alamat blog saya di Facebook anda kerana sudah ternyata ianya untuk tontonan umum.

    Persoalan yang timbul di minda saya pula ialah bagaimana anda boleh terjumpa blog ini?